Meet the Trustees

Ensuring Ian Crabtree’s legacy continues to benefit secondary students in need and those caring for the terminally ill.

David Hurley

A relative of Ian’s by marriage, David Hurley is a current mediator, and a former lawyer and trustee of various charities including the Outward Bound Trust of New Zealand, J R McKenzie Trust, International Year of the Child Telethon Trust, and the Mary Potter Hospice.

He is particularly taken with Ian’s commitment to vulnerable people both at the start and end of life and says it has been a heart-warming privilege to see this generosity repaid from the appreciation of recipients.

David King

As a retired Chartered Accountant, David has considerable experience in the operation and administration of trusts. His 30 years in Rotary both in New Zealand and overseas created many practical opportunities to assist others.

As a member and past-president of the Rotary Club of Wellington North, David knew fellow member Ian Crabtree and appreciates the benefits that his legacy creates for others.

Graeme Waters

A former diplomat, Graeme has served as High Commissioner to India and Ambassador to the Philippines, and in several other Asian and Pacific posts. He is currently an international adviser to Auckland Zoo.

Graeme has been a member of the Rotary Club of Wellington North for over a decade and is involved in its Reading in Schools project. Having also served on the selection panel for the Rotary Scholarship Trust, Graeme values the opportunity to further foster Ian Crabtree’s legacy.